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Coursework Writing Tips: How to Avoid Making Grammatical Mistakes?

Completing coursework and submitting it on time get students excellent grades in their finals. But, do you get good grades in your academic paper every time? Ever thought the reason behind your friend scoring better grades than you? Here is the answer!!! 

Assignment Prime, the best assignment help provider in Australia reveals that most of the students make many grammatical mistakes in their academic paper. To get good grades, they seek coursework help online from our website.
But, not everyone avails assignment writing services, and if you too are one of them, then don’t take stress. Our coursework help experts present tips which you should follow to avoid making some common grammatical mistakes in your academic paper.   

Incorrect use of punctuation

Punctuation marks are used to convey the exact meaning and feel of the sentences. There are various punctuation marks like full stop, comma, exclamation, apostrophe, etc. And the usage of each is different and difficult to understand. This the reason many students make mistakes while using them in their coursework writing.

How to avoid doing this mistake?

Apostrophe mistakes

Apostrophe (’) is used to present the possession of a particular noun like John’s book or disagree with a statement like I can’t... But, when writing in hurry you generally use it in incorrect form.
For an example: 
This writers’ book is famous. -wrong
This writer’s book is famous. -correct

Avoid using apostrophe if you are not giving any possession or contradicting a statement.  

Comma mistakes

The application of comma (,) is in various ways which is difficult to understand in a single go. It may be used to break sentence, separate three or more items in sentence, in dates, etc. 

You just have to remember a few points like:
  • Add comma before and when separating more than two items, (a, b, c, and d)
  • Check the meaning of both the sections in the sentence after inserting the comma.  
  • Use comma after prepositional phrases like since, when, after, etc.
2. Incorrect pronouns reference 

When you use pronouns like his, her, they, them, etc., make sure that the reader knows about whom you are talking about
For example:
Daisy and her friend went to play in her house. - wrong
Here it is unclear whether whose house did they go. You may write it as:
Daisy and her friend went to play in her friend’s house.

3. Incorrect use of homo-phonic words 

Homophones are words with similar sound. Like there & their, heir & hire, to, too, & two, etc. It happens many times that while writing in hurry, we write the incorrect word 

For example: 

She to wants to go to the market. -wrong
She too wants to go to the market. - correct
  • Concentrate on what you want to write and double check what you have written in short intervals.
  •  Know the meaning of words. Like heir (a person who is going to legally get possession of something) and hire (employing somebody)
4. Incorrect use of singular or plural forms

Most of the students make mistakes in the usage of singular and plural forms, like writing a statement in which verb does not agree with the subject of the sentence. 

For example:
The strategist suggest to implement organizational strategies to improve the performance. - wrong
The strategist suggests to implement organizational strategies to improve the performance. - correct 

Just remember that with singular subject the verb used should be plural and vice versa.  

5. Incorrect formation of sentences 

It may happen that you are completing your work in hurry and make mistakes in sentence formation. This may lead to misrepresentation of the meaning of the sentence.
  • The best way to avoid it is by reading key points as soon as you have written it.
  •  Meticulously proofreading and editing your document before submitting them.  


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