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Here’s How to Create an Outline of the Descriptive Essay

As the name suggests, a descriptive essay is something which describes a particular situation, an experience, a place, etc. Usually, those students who are enrolled in an English course, want to take admission in a university or are appearing in an essay writing exam get the task to write a descriptive essay. It is definitely a Gordian knot but as every lock has a key, similarly, this crux also have an escape route which Assignment Prime is revealing here and that way is...‘Creating an Outline’.

In recent research, conducted by our descriptive essay writing help providers, it has been found that the students who first create the outline of the document and then proceed to write the final paper find the essay writing task easy. That’s why we are presenting here the accurate way to create the outline.

How to Create an Outline of the Descriptive Essay?

Creating an outline is a vital step to write a descriptive essay. As mentioned earlier, it makes the final writing task easier. The reason behind it is, when you list all the points in the outline, the next task is just to write it in detail. This way, the essay writing task becomes easy. Now, let’s look at the accurate way to develop the outline.


The introduction is the opening paragraph of the descriptive essay. It usually consists of a hook, a background, and a thesis statement. Below are the points which you should include in the introduction part.


Write the opening sentence (first sentence) of your introduction in such a way that it grabs the attention of the reader. Our essay helpers suggest you to start the first sentence with a quote, question, anecdote or statistics since it is a great way to hold the attention of the readers.


After writing the hook, concisely mention the theme which you will be covering in this descriptive essay.

Thesis Statement

At last, close your introduction with the thesis statement. Make sure that you write it in one or two sentence(s).

Main Body

Main body is that part of the descriptive essay which consists of detailed information about your idea, point, argument, etc. It is the major and the most lengthy part of the document. Usually, the main body of the document comprises of three paragraphs. Each paragraph should have:

Topic Sentence

Start with the topic sentence i.e. the first sentence of the paragraph should reflect the main point or idea covered in that paragraph.

Detailed Information

After that, write detailed information about the topic sentence. It should include arguments, supporting sentences, examples, etc.

Closing Sentence

In the last sentence of the paragraph, either introduce the topic of the next paragraph, else end with a sentence which supports the topic of the current paragraph.  


Conclusion is the last part of the descriptive essay. As the name suggests, it summarizes the entire document in just a few lines and leaves the readers with a final impression. Below is the of few things which you should include in this closure.

Restate the Thesis

Start with simply restating the thesis statement. In other words, begin the conclusion with paraphrasing the thesis statement.

Summarize the Sub-points

After paraphrasing the thesis statement, now it’s time to rephrase the ideas that you have presented in the main body.

The Final Impression

In the closing statement of the descriptive essay, just express your overall feelings. It’s the best way to end the document.

If you’ll create the outline before writing the final descriptive essay, then this writing task will be very easy for you. So, follow these steps and develop the outline first. However, if you are facing any difficulty, then it is strongly suggested to take help from us. The best part is, we are providing writing assistance at the lowest price with lots of freebies. So what are you waiting for? Place the order now!

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